It can be stressful when a mother has a child with a diagnosis that creates challenges. Emotional distress can drive a praying mother to her knees, in need of a miracle. No matter what the diagnosis I always love my Bent-Winged Angel (from the title of the book to Love a Bent-Winged Angel by LaJoyce Martin).
I have a teenage daughter who was diagnosed with a learning disability. She does not function at her grade level and attends a special school.
Although she has difficulty learning she has been taught about the Bible, repentance, water baptism in Jesus’ name and being filled with the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
Four years ago she wanted to be baptized and afterwards, prayed to receive the Holy Ghost. Because of her disability it had been a struggle. She prayed many times but never received it. When she was told the Holy Ghost is a gift she would ask, “So where is the gift?” My assessment was that she lacked an understanding. I prayed, fasted, cried, and begged God for his help. There were many times I was discouraged.
At our house we frequently read the Bible and pray. Last summer, as I prayed and cried out to God, I felt like Hannah in I Samuel 1:15. I was a woman of a sorrowful spirit. I told God that I felt like He had given everyone an ice cream sundae that was padded with all the extras. Others were given nuts, whipped cream, fruits of all sorts, candies, chocolate syrup, strawberry syrup, and a variety of flavors of ice-cream. I then said, “God, it seems that all you gave me is just a bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup.” I continued, “God, it’s OK. I thank you for my portion, but will you put a spark of light, of hope, of joy in my heart; can you just put a cherry on top?”
When I was finished praying, I heard my daughter praying and crying out for Jesus. As I opened my eyes I saw that she had her hands raised. I immediately thought,
She always starts out this way and then nothing. After a few minutes the Holy Ghost got me up and I went over and began to coach her. Before long she had stammering lips.
I am not the brightest person when it comes to technology but as she began to have stammering lips I knew that God was visiting. I ran downstairs to get my cell phone and I continued to encourage her at the top of my voice. I got back in her room and prayed for God’s help to videotape this event. I wanted to have evidence of her being filled with the Spirit. Well, Jesus never fails! Just as I figured out how to turn on the video camera on my phone, my daughter began to speak in tongues as the spirit of the Lord gave her the utterance.
“Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” I shouted. She had no idea that I was recording the event. She spoke in tongues for a long time, stopped, and started again. When I share the video with others, they can feel the presence of God as well.
My child has been like a rose since then. She has blossomed into a beautiful flower. The teachers at her school have noticed the difference. The saints in our church can see the difference. She is not healed from her disability but I am trusting that He who began a good work in her can do even greater things with her. God does answer our prayers! To God be all the glory.
The author of this article wishes to remain anonymous but wanted to add that a lyric from her daughter’s favorite song is “There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain.” When she got the Holy Ghost, her mother sang that song. Her favorite line that day was “I can see the chains falling.” There is POWER in the name of Jesus to break through the chains of disability.