WOW Ministry offers encouragement and support for ministers’ widows.
Women of Worth Director: Jean Carney
For further information, email ladies@upci.org or call 636-229-7895
Move On with Your Life
Move On with Your Life by Dr. Polly Cooper Brown Moving on is a phrase often used to encourage acceptance of the current reality. In your situation, you no longer have the life you once had with your husband. Moving on may mean giving up your expectations that life will be similar to what […]
10 Principles of Healthy Living
10 Principles of Healthy Living Breathe deeply. Drink water. Sleep peacefully. Eat nutritionally. Enjoy activity. Give and receive love. Be forgiving. Practice gratitude. Develop acceptance. Nurture your spiritual side.
Eat Right and Here’s How
Eat Right and Here’s How It’s all about balance – how much and what you eat and how much activity you get. With healthful habits, you may reduce your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and certain cancers. New dietary guidelines, based on science, from federal government expert committees will help you feel better […]
Coffee Filter Uses
COFFEE FILTER USES Who knew! And you can buy 1,000 at the Dollar Store for almost nothing, even the large ones. Better than paper towels and a lot less expensive . . . Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave.Coffee filters make excellent covers. Clean windows, mirrors, and chrome.Coffee filters are lint-free, […]