As military folks we have the distinct privilege of an expansive reach to into this world. There’s no doubt we have been called to a difficult and ever-changing path, but oh, the opportunities the Lord has laid before us!
Military families know what it’s like to finally feel comfortable in our environment/skin and then receive orders to move on to the next location. I remember what this feels like…frustration, sadness, and sometimes, bitterness. We finally have friends, have just began to feel close to those in church, our kids are finally comfortable, and we once again are uprooted to a new place. Am I the only one who has gone to prayer asking why? Somehow, I’m certain you’ve been there too. Let’s move past these feelings for a moment and consider the culture of the Kingdom of God.
Kingdom culture looks something like this, “And everyone that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life” (Matthew 19:29).
The Bible is very clear we will endure feelings of loss, but when we begin to speak “kingdom” this multiplier happens. All that we feel we’ve left behind will seem so small in the light of Glory. When you walk into a new environment with the kingdom of God in mind, you see how imperative it is that you reach for Kingdom impact. If you’ve ever wondered what your purpose is in this transient lifestyle, this is it: connecting others to the Source. When the Lord places you in a military home, He is giving you a gift where you can “Be the Connection!”
The military is the conduit by which we have been given the privilege to fulfil to great commission to “go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). When you arrive at your new location, invite a solider/airman/seaman over for dinner, teach a Bible study, give that member a ride to church. You have Kingdom influence. Use it!
Folks, if you don’t connect to these souls, the enemy will. Let’s walk in full authority of the Holy Ghost and impact the field to which the Lord has called us. If you’re available, He can use you.
Be the connection.
Written by: Brandy Swinarton. She is an analyst in the USAF, wife to Harrison, mother to Selah, Roman, and Samuel. Brandy is the faith group leader at Osan AB, South Korea under the leadership of Pastor Fonzell Marsh in the Asia Military District (AMD). She’s an introvert who loves people but still enjoys the solitude of rainy days with good books. Since 2009 she has traveled in the Air Force with her family, across the world. She is planting a military church on Osan AB with the help of the Lord. You can connect to the work on Facebook at #ACCosanAB.